Enrichment Workshop: Social Media Marketing
Chelsey Ulrich
January 1, 1970

This past month Fuzzy Duck was able to contribute some of our Social Media Strategy Secrets with members of the Greater Wayzata Area Chamber at February’s Enrichment Workshop: “Success with Social Media.” So for all of you who aren’t members of the Wayzata Chamber or were unable to attend… We can let you in on some the social media “secrets” we shared.
First things first, Social Media is not a one-size-fits all situation. It’s not for every business or industry, not every platform is going to be relevant to you, and every rule (that i suggest in this post) won’t always apply to you or to your specific situations. Deciding whether or not your business should be using social media can be determined by asking yourself these four questions: Can you implement a strategy? Who is your target audience? What is your message? And what are you hoping to achieve?
If and when you’re going to incorporate social media as a part of your strategy, the KEY to any social media strategy is to establish the objectives and goals that you hope to achieve. In a basic sense we highlight here the three MAIN steps to establishing, implementing and evaluating the use of social media for your company:
In the creation of your content calendar, decided what, when, and how frequent to post. There are a few rules to help guide you along the way. The first being the “Rule of Thirds.” One-third of your social content should promote your business, converts readers, and generate a “profit,” Another third of your content should share ideas and stories from thought leaders in your industry or like-minded businesses. (curated content), and the Last third of your content should be personal interactions with your audience.
More often than not companies forget about the personal interactions, your social media presence is about ENGAGEMENT, and a RELATIONSHIP between you and your audience.
If you think social media could be a beneficial element to your marketing campaign, or the strategy behind your social media needs tweaking, feel free to contact us at Fuzzy Duck to set up a consult or to learn more about the social media services we offer.