Marketing Your Multi-Location Restaurant: Where to Start
Fuzzy Duck
January 1, 1970
Congratulations! Through hard work, creativity and dedication to quality, you have created a successful restaurant property. The restaurant is so successful that you have decided to branch out, bringing your thriving brand to more locations. As you have no doubt discovered, this advancement comes with its own special set of challenges.
Among them, deciding how to market several locations at once. Do you market through one site? Treat each location as its own? Take reservations across platforms? The questions are infinite. That’s why Fuzzy Duck has decided to simplify the process for you.
Over this three part series, you’ll learn first how to brand your restaurants with a parent-child structure. This structure allows one page to monitor the other ‘child’ locations, while offering a consistent hub for job applications, reservations and more.
Next, you’ll learn how to market your businesses via social media and other digital platforms. Social media has evolved to work as a recommendation tool, a locator and a calendar. All of these can help grow a multi-location restaurant brand exponentially.
Finally, you’ll learn how on-location details like menu design and wifi options can tie your brand together. These small details can make or break a consumer experience, and with so many restaurant options available every service detail matters.
Join Fuzzy Duck in growing your locations from the ground up. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay up to date on our multi-location restaurant marketing series and to hear about our latest agency happenings.