Your Voice Is Your Superpower – Don’t Let ChatGPT Overpower It
Brenna Connolly
October 25, 2024

When ChatGPT came on the scene in 2022, it quickly became the “fastest-growing consumer app ever.” Soon after, every tech company under the sun went live with their own AI writing tools and integrations. Now, AI has soared way past buzzword and landed itself in our everyday lives, both in the business and personal realms.
AI writing tools are so alluring because of their ease of use, speed, and sheer volume of output. But is all of the content it produces up to snuff? Or is it flooding the internet with unreviewed and impersonal content?
It’s true, using AI is easy – that bears acknowledgment. However, small businesses should be wary of depending on its writing tools too heavily. AI can be a friend and it can be a foe. Here’s why it’s still best to lead your own way.
Your Voice Is Your Differentiator
In small business marketing, we are constantly discussing how small businesses can differentiate themselves. ChatGPT is not helping you do that in your writing. It’s making you sound like everyone else. A key reason many people choose to engage with small businesses is because they value human connection. . . do you see what I’m getting at here?
As a small business battling the competition and working double-time to succeed against the big guys, your unique voice is a key differentiator. Why would you outsource your competitive edge?
We celebrate small businesses for their industry knowledge, for their ability to develop relationships, for their creativity. Relying too heavily on ChatGPT erodes all of those things. All ChatGPT can do is find and rearrange existing information, it can’t create personal content like you can.
At Fuzzy Duck, each client’s unique voice is at the heart of every project. Your target audience, your industry, your brand personality, your company values all play an important role in your brand voice. Businesses that invest in it will stand out in a sea of ChatGPT sameness.
Authenticity Matters
For years, we’ve heard that authenticity is refreshing in business marketing. Behind-the-scenes content is rewarded. Quick quips on TikTok take off. Our social media specialist says that the single most important thing that businesses can do on social media is get personal. Relying on ChatGPT to craft your content strips you of your ability to genuinely connect with your audience.
ChatGPT doesn’t understand the intricacies of your brand, your customers’ needs, or the emotional impact of your messaging. By relying on ChatGPT to deliver your content, you risk losing the authenticity that helps build trust, credibility, and genuine relationships with your audience. If your claim as a business owner is that you are different, that you are better than the other guys, that you are trailblazing your own path, then you cannot use a redundant robot to communicate that.
You know your customers and your business better than anyone. That’s your secret weapon!
Business Writing Demands Conciseness
The truth is most people aren’t taking the time to read all the words your business puts out into the world. Business writing, especially on the web, demands conciseness. It requires instant intelligibility. ChatGPT doesn’t always seem to understand this, it tries too hard.
As someone who reads and writes business material every day, I can spot a ChatGPT-heavy piece from a mile away. In fact, I have a list of words that I maintain as dead giveaways of ChatGPT use – words like “imbue,” “permeate,” and “transcend.” These are $5 words that stick out because, um, they aren’t exactly conversational. However, AI uses them again and again.
Why are there SO MANY adjectives? Why is it using such high-level vocabulary? Its outputs are frequently too flowery. Not the kind of writing business demands. The best business writing stands out. It’s concise and it’s authentic. AI writing reminds me of the kind of writing college students turn in when they’re stretching to make a word count. It might get you the grade in school, but it’s not winning you any clients. Make your words few and potent. Keep it brief and make it “you”!
Your Small Business Shouldn’t Depend on AI Writing Tools
Small Businesses Should Use AI Writing Tools – Responsibly
Think of AI tools as your assistant, not your writer. There are ways to use it that can enhance your own voice and get you better results. It’s pretty good at taking a draft that’s 75% of the way there and getting it to a 90% – but you should always take it over the finish line yourself. You’ve got to use it as a tool to help you shine, not as a crutch. There is value in using AI, so, let it help you do your best work but keep your personal touch on your business communications.
Fuzzy Duck works with clients to help them find their voice. We want to empower our clients to build communities that feel personal and authentic while still being professional. We’re real humans asking the right questions to help create messaging that resonates with your audience and sets you apart.