Explore The New Facebook Timeline Layout
Fuzzy Duck
April 5, 2012

At the end of March, Facebook underwent a few layout changes. The reviews are still coming in, but overall, the new timeline layout for Facebook Pages is a positive one for businesses but it may just take some time to get used to and maximize its benefits.
What is the new Facebook Timeline?
The new Facebook Timeline is a visual, scrolling, reverse-chronologically ordered timeline that shows the posts/photos you share. According to PCMag.com, the timeline “is a cross between a visual blog and online scrapbook.”
What are some changes?
You now have one large image to showcase your page, called a cover photo. This photo is a dominant piece and stretches across the top of your page. This is a great opportunity to display an image that is branded and eye-catching to your followers.
The layout of your Facebook tabs has changed as well. They are located under the cover photo, and can be customized with a custom tab image. Don’t worry; if you have a custom welcome page, it has not disappeared. It will still be a clickable tab that followers can click on to view.
To help you tell your story and keep Facebook pages visually appealing, Facebook now focuses on pictures and videos by showcasing them in a larger format throughout the profile. Important stories and articles can be highlighted by clicking the star in the upper right corner of the post; this will enlarge the post to span across your timeline. If you have a past story that you want to emphasize once again, all you have to is ‘pin’ the post by clicking on the pencil icon and clicking ‘Pin to Top’, this will place the post at the top of the timeline.
There is a new feature called ‘Milestones’ on your Facebook timeline. You create a Milestone when you want to tell followers about big events for your company.
Facebook’s new updates are focused on making pages more visually appealing. Facebook wants your followers to stay on your page as long as possible. So, don’t hesitate to add more pictures and videos to help keep your followers engaged.
Those are just a few changes that have occurred since March. Fuzzy Duck is here to help make this transition easy by adjusting your profile to maximize branding in the new Facebook Timeline. Need help designing a cover photo, or creating custom tab images? We want to help. For further details or questions contact us.
Need to take a look at an example of the timeline layout? Fuzzy Duck’s Facebook page has gone timeline. Take a peek!