
Spring Cleaning Can Be Good For Business!

Spring Business Meeting

Spring is in the air and it may be time to spring clean the office space. Cleaning may even boost productivity and increase motivation in your employees, now who wouldn’t want that!

Fuzzy Duck wants to share some spring-cleaning tips to refresh your office space.

Break Down Your Tasks
When you make your to-do list, it may overwhelm you at first. Break down your tasks by assigning one or two jobs at a time. Whenever you have down time or need a break from your work, choose an item off the list to complete.

Make it Relaxing and Enjoyable
Whether you make the office clean all together or you do it on your own. Make cleaning time fun. Play your favorite music (put in headphones if you are by yourself). Time will go a lot faster than you think, when you make it as enjoyable as possible.

Go Through All Magazines
Magazines can get put on the back burner of your office space and before you know it they are piled up in a corner. Get ride of magazines older then a few months.

Test Out Your Pens
It is known habit to have a couple dozen pens around/on/in your desk. No one needs that many pens. Take a blank piece of paper and test them all. It is all but guaranteed that you will throw half of them away.

Dust Bunnies Need to Go
Clear the entire top of your desk (everything except the computer screen). Then take a dust product and wipe your entire desk. When reorganizing it, your desk will feel less cluttered.

Go Paperless
Do you have old papers/notes that are useful but not used daily? Well scan them onto your computer and create a special folder for these references. Then you can throw the papers away.

We hope these tips have encouraged you to set a date/s to clean. It is important to keep a clean office space and it can be refreshing and motivating to sit at a clean desk.


  • Here at Fuzzy Duck, we’re known for our ability to collaborate. This blog is the result of just that – collaboration! We’ve listed “Fuzzy Duck” as the author for this article because it represents the joint efforts of talented marketers and writers, past and present. May our combined brainpower help propel your small business marketing.