What Is That Thing?
Fuzzy Duck
July 16, 2011

What is that thing? You may have recently come across a curious looking barcode displayed upon a bus stop shelter during your morning commute or in an advertisement in a bathroom stall. Wondering what they are? These peculiar squares are called Quick Response (QR) codes and are beginning to pop up everywhere. QR codes bridge the gap between conventional marketing and the online world by establishing a link that allows viewers to immediately look at and learn more about products, services, and anything else that can be viewed electronically.
Where did they come from? Still considered an innovation in the U.S, QR codes are a new concept to many people. In Japan however, they have been widely used for over ten years. Initially developed there by Toyota, QR codes were primarily used to identify cars.
How do they work? No bulky supermarket scanner required! Only your smart phone equipped with an “easy to get” QR code reader application. To obtain one of these handy applications simply search “QR code reader” in the app market on your phone and you will find multiple versions for free! Once equipped, simply point your smart phone camera at the QR code box and you are conveniently directed to specified digital content such as a company website.
Should my company have a QR code? In today’s mobile world people want immediate access to the information they are seeking and QR codes give them just that. Scanning one is quick and hassle free. By saving potential clients the time and trouble of manually scribbling down or typing in your URL they can instead obtain an instant view of you and your brand, eliminating the time frame in which most interest would normally be lost. With their unique ability to transfer inquisitive eyes from print media to online content, QR codes are the perfect low cost tool to add to any marketing plan. Tech savvy customers will appreciate your contemporary methods while those who aren’t will be curious and investigative. QR codes also provide a simple way of acquiring and analyzing traffic data.
How can I use one? There are many creative ways to implement QR codes into your company’s advertising plan. Use different combinations of the advertising mediums and various web content below to create new fun ways to pique your current and prospective customer’s interests.
Advertising Mediums
Magazine or Newspaper Ad
Company Newsletter
Product Packaging
Business Cards
Side of a Company Vehicle
Company Apparel
Coffee Mugs
Direct Mail
Convention Name Tags
Web Content
Your Website
Coupons and Special Offers
Company Contact Info
A “Join Our Mailing List” Page
Customer Feedback Forms
Save the Date Info
Event Details
Directions to Your Facility
Social Media Accounts
Contact Fuzzy Duck Design to learn more about how to easily and inexpensively create your own Quick Response code and implement it into your company’s marketing plan, call 952-449-6800 or email info@fuzzyduck.com.